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Cinematography of Gone Girl (with Jeff Cronenweth)

Today we speak with Jeff Cronenweth, the brilliant cinematographer for some of the most iconic films in cinema’s history including Fight Club, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, Social Network and the recent hit Gone Girl. Jeff and I discuss his entire career including his stunning portfolio of music videos and commercials, the pro’s and con’s of digital film-making and working with director David Fincher.

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7 Deadly Sins (with Zak Mulligan and Matt Allard)

Today we speak Zak Mulligan, award winning cinematographer and director of photography for feature films, commercials, music videos and the brilliant new Morgan Spurlock documentary series, 7 Deadly Sins on Showtime. We discuss his gear and lighting package, his experiences screening films at Sundance, being nominated for an Academy Award and all the shooting and lighting techniques that make 7 Deadly Sins a visual powerhouse. Plus Matt Allard from NewsShooter.com joins us to discuss the hottest news in our production industry.

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The Killing (with Gregory Middleton)

Today we invite Gregory Middleton, cinematographer and director of photography for the AMC and Netflix series The Killing. We discuss how Netflix saved the show, the new visual direction of season 4, the film industry in Vancouver and more. Plus Gregory shares insight into his next project Game Of Thrones!

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Louie Land (With Paul Koestner and Nate Weber)

Today we speak with Paul Koestner, Director of Photography for the hit comedy series Louie on FX. Paul talks about the challenges and rewards of shooting for the brilliant comedic mind of Louie CK, working with Red Cameras and why the cast and crew of Louie hardly ever rehearse. Plus Nate Weber talks all about CineGear 2014!

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Fargo Fever (with Dana Gonzales and Matt Allard)

Today we speak with Dana Gonzales, Director of Photography for the FX television series FARGO. Plus Matt Allard from NewsShooter.com joins us for a discussion on how social media and journalism coexist plus his experience with the Panasonic 4K Varicam 35.

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