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The Cinematography of A Cure For Wellness (with Bojan Bazelli)

Bojan Bazelli is the brilliant and visionary cinematographer behind the new Gore Verbinski film A Cure For Wellness and we discuss all the secrets behind its iconic and challenging scenes.

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The Science of Storytelling (with Derek Thompson)

Derek Thompson is the author of Hit Makers: The Science of Popularity in an Age of Distraction and together, we break down the patterns in popular music, tv, and movies to discover the science of storytelling.

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Salary and Rate Negotiation for Creative Professionals (with Jim Hopkinson)

Jim Hopkinson is the creator of SalaryTutor.com where he offers training on how to get paid what your worth. Jim and I discuss how to set your rates, discussing budget with your clients, and when to say NO to a project.

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Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, and the Cinematography of Comic Book Television (with Manuel Billeter)

Manuel Billeter is the cinematographer behind the lens of Jessica Jones, Luke Cage and the upcoming Iron Fist and he joins us to discuss the cinematography of comic book TV shows.

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The Cinematography of Rogue One and LION (with Greig Fraser)

Greig Fraser is the visionary cinematographer behind the lens of Rogue One and LION and he’s here today to talk about the surprising similarities between them.

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Optimize Yourself (with Zack Arnold)

Zack Arnold is a professional film editor and creator of Fitness In Post and is here today to share his new fitness and wellness program “Optimize Yourself”.

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The Photography of Air (with Vincent Laforet)

Director and Photographer Vincent Laforet returns to Go Creative Show to discuss his new book AIR. Vincent shares his techniques from shooting out of a helicopter around the world.

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Live from Mass Media Expo 2016

Today we are LIVE from the The Mass Media Expo, and we speak with a huge variety of guests including cinematographers, social media experts, filmmakers, even people who can help you with your taxes!

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The Hollywood Reporter and Media’s Influence on Politics (with Kim Masters)

Kim Masters is an award winning journalist, editor-at-large of The Hollywood Reporter, and host of KCRW’s The Business, and she’s here today to discuss the media’s influence on Trump’s election, how Netflix has changed the film industry, and much more.

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Film Production Design (with Hannah Beachler)

Hannah Beachler is the production designer behind some of today’s hottest films including CREED, MOONLIGHT, and the upcoming BLACK PANTHER and she’s on the show to discuss her career in film and the role of a production designer.

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