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The Stop Motion Cinematography of Anomalisa (with Joe Passarelli)

Today’s guest is Joe Passarelli, the Cinematographer behind the lens of the stop motion masterpiece, Anomolisa. Joe and I discuss the challenges of shooting stop motion, lighting miniature sets, and the patience needed to pull it off.

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Starting and Growing Your Production Company (with Benjamin Eckstein)

Benjamin Eckstein of Beryllium Pictures joins me to discuss how to start and grow a production company. This is one of the most candid and honest discussions we’ve had on the show sharing secrets on securing clients, developing budgets, and more.

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The Cinematography of The Witch (with Jarin Blaschke)

Today we invite cinematographer Jarin Blaschke on the show to talk about his brilliantly haunting film The Witch. Recently named one of the 10 Cinematographers To Watch by Variety, Jarin shares his techniques, camera choices, and more.

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Stunt Woman (with Melissa Stubbs)

Today we discuss the design and execution of stunts for film and television with our guest fight choreographer, stunt coordinator, and second unit director Melissa Stubbs.

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Creative Mornings (with Keith Frankel)

Today we talk creativity with Keith Frankel, host of the Boston chapter of Creative Mornings. Keith shares tips to enhance your creativity and talks about his experiences helping startups blossom, and his time producing MTV’s hit reality show “Made”.

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Documentary Filmmaking (with Sam Painter)

Today we invite Sam Painter, the documentary cinematographer behind some of the most influential modern documentaries including Going Clear and Steve Jobs: The Man in the Machine.

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That’s a Wrap 2015 Round Table (with Matt Russell, Chris Loughran, and Rob Bessette)

Today we take a look back at 2015 and reflect on all the highlights, lowlights, and trends of the production and post production world. Our panel includes cinematographer Chris Loughran, colorist Rob Bessette, and Matt Russell, our very own audio mix engineer, and we cover all sides of production.

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Inter BEE 2015 (with Matt Allard from News Shooter)

Today we cover all the news and announcements from Inter BEE 2015 with Matt Allard from NewsShooter.com Interbee is known for announcing some of the most innovative products for filmmaking and we discuss them all.

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The Changing Post Production Industry (with Wes Plate from Automatic Duck)

Today we discuss the changing post production industry with Wes Plate from Automatic Duck. How has the Adobe Creative Cloud changed our industry, and why has Wes focused on Final Cut Pro X with his latest software.

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Fargo Season 2 (with Dana Gonzales)

Today we discuss Fargo season 2 with Director of Photography Dana Gonzales and we learn how he achieves the drastically different, yet familiar look of this new season.

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